Nobody wants to be suspicious unless you create scenes that provoke curiosity.
Haaaai bloggy :),I am back again :D.

Suddenly I am missing some of my Technology Friends,where I found them on Facebook and MSN.Wish I were having a lappy ,so that I won't be wasting my sleepless night waiting for things that will never happen for the day :).

Prakash ,Eddy and The gang,I miss our MSN nights la ,cracking useless jokes and gossiping about our own friend.

The Casefieds :D,the awesomest family.Talk bad about them ,imma punch you on your face.Again doing the same thing as what I did with Prakash Eddy and the gang :).But I stayed up late till 6 am in the morning with them.Now the whole family is on twitter already ,contacting through twitter.I am gonna blog about Casefieds soon.They were there for me through ups and downs :).And I know they will be there for me till the last day of my breathe :).

Last but not least ,My Macha ;).Muthu piggy.My bestie for eerm 6 to 7 years.Had silly fights together :D.He knows my life history,and I know his.And now ,life has changed ,he is busy and I am busy :(,seldom keep in touch.I miss our late night talks :(.Gotta renew our friendship vows and start with our silly fights again :).

These are my awesome people in my life too.Will reconnect with you guys soon :).

Before ending this post.

People change and so do me ,myself and I.Feelings change and so do mine :).