say no to caste'ism ,be caste'less.

Heyy hai bloggy :) ,how are you?Hope things are going well with you ,sorry for dumping you all this while.But still there are visitor who is still showing love to you :),so don't worry okaay? and I LOVE YOU too :).

Thought to post about this topic for a long time ago but i didn't really had much time to think about the points that i gotta shoot in.But after few days ,finally got the points to elaborate in this topic ,hope it's something thinkabale la.This post might hurt some peoples feelings.I am not trying to provoke things up or what ,i just shout what is real ,thats all.If this post hurts you ,then that's what i want :).I want you to get hurt and think and find ways to change the world.

Let's get straight to the topic.

This problem has been getting into so many peoples life ,family and even into relationship.Most of the times our dad's will be the villain in our relationship but there's a bigger and more stronger villain than them.I guess by right now ,so many of you have guessed the right answer.And for those who answered wrongly ,NO NO ,the answer is not your grandad ,definitely he is not stronger and bigger villain that your dad but OLDER than them :) ,okaay chill ,i just tried to make some jokes.Laugh la okaay ? :D.

And for those who is still blurring ,cracking the head ,and thinking ,all i gotta say is STOP ,i will reveal the answer for you guys.

This is it ,the bigger ,stronger villain which couldn't be destroyed for decades even till this date ,right now.



Caste has been a big problem in everything and everywhere ,where there's an indian there's always a caste problem.Even in Malaysia ,the so called multi racial country.I just don't get it why there should the be a caste'ism in this era?.It's already 2011 ,people are too busy thinking about their future and upgrading their life but there are some backward thinkers who still bringing up caste problem among us.This problem always occurs in marriages ,espeacially in love marriages ,where two perfect people,who are from different caste falls in love with each other with just one hope - parent's blessings.But then ,the parent's who should be blessing their kid's relationship are the one's who bring up this caste problems.

Come on lar ,caste don't find job for you ,but you education and you skill does.Caste don't feed you and your family ,you gotta go earn money to feed them.Caste don't do anything for anyone.It doesn't bring happiness for everyone ,it might for some but how about the rest of peoples who are involved?.

If you are a strict caste follower ,you shouldnt just bring up caste in marriages ,you should see caste in the food you eat ,the clothes you wear ,the water you drink ,the house you live in ,the people who you shake hands with ,the money you use/hold ,the road you walk on ,the god you pray and even the toilet bowl that you use.But no ,you don't see caste in all that but why in marriages?.Every match is made in heaven with the blessings of god.So what's the problem with the caste?.

And where the hell your caste system went when you are doing your business?.You need customers for your business ,regardless of their caste ,why?cause you need to run you damn business to survive?.Why didn't you set your caste rules in it?.Why different rules in different situation?.If you see caste in marriage then you should consider about caste in your work place and in everything as i said above ,that's when i will respect you.You don't care about caste in anything else but only in marriages?Why?.Think.

There are people who sees caste when enrolling in schools ,in education system and in everything.There is a riot happening in India now ,just because of this idiotic CASTE.And so many people dying.Why can't we just treat everyone same?

Yah ,there were some brainless people who created caste like 1000 years ago ,but that was according to their job.No offence people ,there are so many many of the uses this word to discriminate other ,it's a commony used word - PARIAH ,do you guys know the real meaning of this word?Have you ever thought of the real history of this word?I know most of you guys will shake your head up and down ,but no.The real meaning of this word is not what you think.The history of this word ,it was not known as pariah ,it was parachi that carries the meaning for prostitutes ,again i am telling it was a name for a female who does a prostitution.And male who goes to this prostitutes are the one's called pariah's.And they just don't care what caste guy you are ,if you go to a prostitute then you are a pariah.That how this pariah word got famous ,but nowadayspeople are using the words for different purpose.

So now ,do you know whom you should call pariah's?not the normal one's who lives a normal live but to males who goes to prostitues.I don't know who ,but you ,yourself and the man up knows the truth.So think wisely before you use a word to people.

Caste doesn't do anything to anyone othere than damaging people's life.Stop caste'ism and treat people as how they are ,everyone is unique in their own way ,treat them right not according to what caste they are in.

Hope this post really made some caste freak out there to think and change their way of thinking ,if not hope you guys GO TO HELL.



Heee bloggy :) ,finally after long time had the chance to update you.Happy? :DD.

Was just thinking what to update and still i got no idea to talk about any topic ,i am running out of topics nowadays ,haaaiz how saddening.To my readers or followers just inbox me to my twitter or facebook about whatever topic you want me to post :).

Deepavali is like in two months and i am too excited ,very much EXCITED for everything ,shopping ,cleaning the house and thinking of changing my room colour and then the most awaited day will be eve of deepavalli where me and ash ,my sister will be doing kolam :D ,where my dad will screw us at first but after the final touch of the kolam he will be like ''Waaaaaah ,so beautiful and bla bla bla ,this happends all the time :p.Mom's mutton curry ,chicken curry tastes different on that day ,it will taste extra special ,wonder why and how :/.Then the sound of firecrackers and laughters of the visitor ,house full of people and etc etc.Wish to have deepavalli everyday :).

May all my wishes comes true one day,keeping finger crossed :).

Okaay bloggy ,times up for my work will come back to you soon ,loves.


he sure knew how to treat women with respect ,r.i.p tupac :).

goodbye august ,hello september :).

Haai bloggy ,how have you been am sorry for dumping you for FOUR days ,as you know went to thailand and reached home yesterday around 11pm something :).Trip was FUN will upload the pictures in FB and will story about the trip in my coming post okaay?.I am still sleepy lar bloggy :/.

Catch you soon ,baaaai :).