Hyee bloggy without delaying on introduction let's get straight to the story that i wanted to share with you,a very heart-wretching real story that a woman had gone through and now resting in peace in god's arms.

God if you can feel me ,my one and only request is please send her to heaven.

I have never seen her or met her before all i got to know about her is through my piano teacher.She is also a piano teacher but worked in a different centre.She is just 43 and passed away like few days ago.I just don't know why god gives so much suffering and pain to those good people and let the bad ones live a heavenly life?.

She was a single mother with her only son ,where is her only hero?the one should've made her happy,should've protect her?.DEAD ?? ,nope as every other woman's story and as every other guy - he went with another woman,leaving her and their only son who was 2 years old at that time.I can't be sharing her private life but then her story really did made me tear.I mean why??It's like everywhere i turn or every woman i meet all of their stories is making me to think twice to get married ,aren't there any good gentleman who is making his lady love happy?,is  mans getting selfish or are they just getting married for that one thing - SEX ?.

A question for all the husbands who cheated ,cheating on your wife :

What does other woman has that you can't find in your wife?.

Why is it so hard to be loyal to them?To your family?To your kids?To your wife?.Not really in the mood to continue blogging ,hope this post really opened your eyes guys ,when a woman getting married to you ,all she wants from you is being true and loyal to her.It's not expensive as diamonds right?.Think.

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