Where does this heading to ?.

Hello people :).It's end of the year.Here we are again waiting to welcome the new year with lotsa hopes and dreams.And i pray that everyone's hopes and dreams will come true and all the best in whatever good things you do :).

Well this morning ,when i was checking my facebook timeline ,i came across this post where a secondary school girl screwing anothe girl who is a year younger than her.The thing that made me angry and worried was the the words that she used.As what i know the girl was 14 years old.Her english was rubbish and the reason she screwed another girl was because of her boyfie.Itseems her boyfie is a '' very good looking " guy and the other gilr is trying to ''steal'' the hero from this girl.

Well you want to fight or screw  others,do it privately la.Why wanna so heboh sangat ?.It's like you are the only one who is having a boyfie ,and only you being in a relationship.You are 14 years old and instead of concerntrating on your studies you are fighting to save you relationship ?.

And look at her poor english la.proJust because you know how to say " i love you '' doesn't mean you are a pro in english.She is freaking 14 ,instead of concertrating on studies she is worried about other girls snatching her guy?.

When i was 14 ,i were still watching cartoon's ,ramayana ,mahabaratha ,sings thevaram and read books.But kids at that age nowadays are totally upside down.

They don't have any fear for god ,parents or teachers.It's like they have their own rules and the elderly people should dance according to the music that the young people play.

This situation currently makes me to wonder whom should be blamed ?.Parents ? ,Schools ? ,Friends ? ,social Network or the Media ?.Or everyone and everything?.

Where are the kids who respects elderly people ,where are the kids who doesn't use swear words ?.Well atleast kid's who doesnt use swear words publically ?.


This is why the world wants to end.And i just hope the world ends.

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