Heyy bloggy ,it's public 2day ,but for me it was like normal boring day only ..as usual holiday lar kan ,dad planned to go out for morning breakfast.So mum woked me up around 8.57 am somethng ,but i din get ready on the spot ,waz lazy'in on my bed for like 10 minutes then went to get ready.If late means sure dad will start shouting and bla bla [[parents wad]].Then went down to go bt later ny mum told dat dad had an urgent work so plan cancel.But i was like *thank god plan canceled*.Stayed at home and had roti bakar and MILO for breakfast.After that piano'ed ,currently trying on Richard Clayderman's Marriage D'amore.Awesome piece u know ,i bet u'll sure fall in love with that song.All i can say is I AM ADDICTED TO IT.
Then aftr that went to a funeral ,70 years old granny passed away.Came back home around 4.30 den rushed for class ,was hungry but its already late ,so skipped meal. =( ,den class ended arnd 8 pm ,dad came to fetch us.Told him that we are sooo hungry and let's go makan.So he brought us to a vegetarian chinese shop.I ordered curry mee and air bandung.Ate like no body's business.But the taste was sooooooooo totalie different ,not like the one i ate at the nearest restaurant to my house.THAT CURRY MEE ASAM LAKSA AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!
Came back home around 10++ ,nuw FACEBOOKING + MSN'ING + BLOGGING.
Currently very very bored and sleepy ,but i have to force my self to stay awake cuz its our case'ified gathering today..Hope everyone comes on9 an d entertain me. =DD..
so tata for nuw Mr.bloggy