baaaaaaaaaack !!
Finally i am baaaaaaaaack Mr.Bloggy !!.Gonna update INDIA Vacation soon. !! Keep updated.Thank You.
semme .
Heyya bloggy ,you know wad?? I am super excited for coming THURSDAY ,cuz we are gonna flyyyyyy !!weeeeeeeeeeee.Going india with family for a week [[23rd September - 28th Spetember]] .First trip to India ,i mean not only India but first time taking flight.veeeeeeeeeeeeery the excited and nervous too.Everything is prepared.MP4 ,Sunblock ,Clothes ,Shampoo ,Camera ,VidRec ,and etc etc.
Gonna miss Facebook ,twitter,and ofcourse YOU !! + my casei'fied peepz ,and mostly HIM :( .He will be always there whenever i need someone or whenever i faced problems and nuw i really dunno how am i gonna survive w/o him for a week??
i am really gonna miss you nunu. *sob sob*
Will update about india trip once i am back okaay??till then take care bloggy.
Gonna miss Facebook ,twitter,and ofcourse YOU !! + my casei'fied peepz ,and mostly HIM :( .He will be always there whenever i need someone or whenever i faced problems and nuw i really dunno how am i gonna survive w/o him for a week??
i am really gonna miss you nunu. *sob sob*
Will update about india trip once i am back okaay??till then take care bloggy.
It's 11.27 pm and yeay yeay it gonna RAINNNNN !! tommorow it's sunday ,got class ,not in the mood to wake up early but iisshh have to :( .
p/s to god : please do something so that 2mrw's class will be canceled.
Actually i came here to update something but i forgot what it was about.NVM lar later yer.
Luv ya bloggy. :)
p/s to god : please do something so that 2mrw's class will be canceled.
Actually i came here to update something but i forgot what it was about.NVM lar later yer.
Luv ya bloggy. :)
she misses me :)
You know what bloggy was messaging with my piano teacher and she misses me.LOL ,cuz i din go class for nearly three weeks. 1) teacher went for holidays and 2) term break holiday and 3) teacher went for dinner ,so no class..Was lazy'ing around my house for nearly 3 bloody week.LOOOOOOOOOOOONG HOLIDAY !!.As usual nothing special for holidays.Dad was damn bloody busy with work so helped him that's all.very the gudie daughter :pp.
So was messaging with her lar asking weder Puvi (mua bro) having class or not and while texting her she messaged me this : Can you comeon tuesday 8pm for class coz Puvi told me that u all going India next thursday.Then may be u can come for 1 more lesson coz we actually started 2 lessons on this month already.And actually i miss you la.
Was like aaaaaaaawww,teacher i missed you too.Dun worry will come to class this tuesday. :DD.
Her text really made my dayyyy. :).
And i really can't wait to go class.Tuesday Oh Tuesday faster comeeeeeeeeeee.
So was messaging with her lar asking weder Puvi (mua bro) having class or not and while texting her she messaged me this : Can you comeon tuesday 8pm for class coz Puvi told me that u all going India next thursday.Then may be u can come for 1 more lesson coz we actually started 2 lessons on this month already.And actually i miss you la.
Was like aaaaaaaawww,teacher i missed you too.Dun worry will come to class this tuesday. :DD.
Her text really made my dayyyy. :).
And i really can't wait to go class.Tuesday Oh Tuesday faster comeeeeeeeeeee.
Yesssss i am deeply ,truly ,sincerly and freakingly in love wid my piano.
well ,i used to be not-to-bother case when it comes to piano, [won't practice ,won't finish up the homeworks ,and i din't even cared for it ] and i guess piano shud have hated me sooooo much at that time.It could be said i treated my piano as though it din exist at all. :) .So theteruk'ished girl me.Things changed when i saw one of MAKSIM's show on tv..OMGGGGGGG ,the way he played the piano ,his touch and everythng was fast and awesomeeeeeeeee .I went *speeeeeeeechless*.And from then on ,i tried to play like him.LOL.Well,he is a pro ,i mean more than a pro.I can't be him but atleast i can try my level best to be like him right ?.
From then on ,i have became a veryy gud gal ,who started to love piano like she loves herself.Yeah piano has become my soulmate.It's like i have to date him everyday.I can't leave the house witout touching him.Addicted wei..
Piano has became one of my silent best friend ,besides my mp4.Could be said i spent more time on my piano than i spent my time with others.It will be there whenever i needed someone to share my feelings with.It was there when i were down and happy .It saw my tears and smiles.
Sometimes ,i feel like piano understands me more than people with feelings .I find peace whenever i touch the keys.Well i love my piano more than anything else.The touch.The feel.The music.Words just can't describe it all.Thanks to my dad for forcing me to learn piano.One of the greatest thing that you have done. :).Luvie ya for that.And to my dearest piano this is for you and only you.Luvie ya so darnnnnn much.
well ,i used to be not-to-bother case when it comes to piano, [won't practice ,won't finish up the homeworks ,and i din't even cared for it ] and i guess piano shud have hated me sooooo much at that time.It could be said i treated my piano as though it din exist at all. :) .So the
From then on ,i have became a veryy gud gal ,who started to love piano like she loves herself.Yeah piano has become my soulmate.It's like i have to date him everyday.I can't leave the house witout touching him.Addicted wei..
Piano has became one of my silent best friend ,besides my mp4.Could be said i spent more time on my piano than i spent my time with others.It will be there whenever i needed someone to share my feelings with.It was there when i were down and happy .It saw my tears and smiles.
Sometimes ,i feel like piano understands me more than people with feelings .I find peace whenever i touch the keys.Well i love my piano more than anything else.The touch.The feel.The music.Words just can't describe it all.Thanks to my dad for forcing me to learn piano.One of the greatest thing that you have done. :).Luvie ya for that.And to my dearest piano this is for you and only you.Luvie ya so darnnnnn much.
Because maybe ; you're gonna be the one that saves me
After all ; you're my WONDERWALL
hundredandtwo things you should know about girls. :)
1. Do not cheat on a girl. We girls talk, we WILL know, and we WILL find out, and we WILL dump you!
2. Be aware of all your girlfriends’ guy friends, brothers, fathers, or anything. They are protective. Every single male friend we have will kick your ass if you end up hurting her.
3. Never ever miss an opportunity to tell her that she’s beautiful. We girls love that.
4. If she slapped you hard, you probably deserved it.
5. Do not be afraid of holding her. If she’s going out with you in the first place, it’s obvious that she likes you and wants to be in your arms.
6. Every girl should eventually get three things from her boyfriend -- a stuffed animal, one of his sweatshirts or hoodie’s, and a really pretty piece of jewelry.
7. Make sure she gets home safely as often as you can. If you're dropping her off, walk her to the door. If you aren't dropping her off, call to be sure she's home safely. We think that’s really cute and sweet.
8. If a guy is bothering your girlfriend, it is your right to beat the shit out of him.
9. If you're talking to a female friend of yours, pull your girlfriend closer. It’ll make her feel secure that you love her more than the other girl.
10. Never ever slap her, even if it's just in a joking way. Even if she swats you first, and says, "Oh, you're so dumb" or something, never make any gestures back.
11. Go along with her to a chick flick once in a while. She doesn't care whether you enjoy it or not, it just matters that you went with her.
12. If you're officially dating, and you're introducing her to your friends, you'd better damn well introduce her as your girlfriend. Or else.
13. Girls are fragile. Even if you're play fighting/wrestling, be very gentle. Let her win once in a while.
14. Memorize your girlfriend’s birthday. You forget her birthday and you're basically screwed for life. Not gonna lie.
15. Don't drench yourself in the cologne, but smell good.
16. You don’t have to spend a million dollars on the Birthday/Christmas/Valentine gift. It doesn't have to be expensive, or cost anything but it has to be meaningful.
17. Don’t ever lie to us; we always find out.
18. Don’t say you understand when you don’t. That’s bad.
19. Remember: Girls are pretty, but yours is the Prettiest!
20. Saying something sweet might get you off the hook; but doing something sweet will always get you off the hook.
21. Size does matter, but only to hoes; not girls that want relationships.
22. No matter what you say, your ex-girlfriend is a hoe. Don’t bother trying to convince us otherwise, that is a bad idea
23. It’s good to be sensitive, to a point.
24. If you did something wrong, apologize. Even if you didn’t, do it anyway.
25. You did something bad.I seem cool with it. I'm not. (See directly above.)
26. We are self-conscious by nature; we can’t help it. Let it be.
27. We don’t shave our legs every day so just get over it.
28. Shave your face, no matter how cool you think your goatee or beard or mustache looks, we probably hate it. We like you clean shaven.
29. Show off a little, we think it’s cute.
30. You are our boyfriend, our man, our protector, whether you know it or not, you are; act like it.
31. You are cute in raglan-sleeved T-shirts (two-toned baseball undershirts).
32. We love it when you hug us from behind and whisper in our ear.
33. "Fine" is NEVER an appropriate response when I ask you how I look.
34. Most of the time when I fantasize, it's about you. Don’t obsess over that.
35. I expect you to call me. If you don’t, you go down
36. I'm more forgiving of you than I really should be. Don’t you dare take advantage of that.
37. When I compare my flabby tummy to a kangaroo pouch, say nothing.
38. You look hot in hooded clothing items. Always.
39. You should never tell a girl what to do. Ever.
40. Any decent man will ask a girl out to her face. I mean; if you aren’t man enough to ask us out to our face, who says youre gonna be man enough to our boyfriend at all.
41. Girls are very impressed when you ask them for advice. Unless its about another girl.
42. I'm unimpressed with a man who doesn't take the lead.
43. When in doubt, go with the shirt that matches your eye color.
44. You're sexy when you're shaving, fixing things, wearing a white T-shirt and jeans, driving, eating a peach, holding a baby.
45. Girls need to hear how you feel about them. Often. Tell her now.
46. A girl wants to be the best thing that ever happened to you--and for you to recognize this and tell her.
47. If she’s not feeling loved, she will start looking
48. We like it when you tell us what you're thinking, even if you don't know yourself. It’s cute.
49. It's cheating as soon as you're doing something with her that you wouldn't want me to see, hear, read...
50. For the record:I'd rather you break up with me than cheat.
51. We can fall in love with you without really knowing you, if you are an @ss, we will find out, and we will get over it. Fast. Don't ruin it.
52. You like her, make a move. Don’t just sit there, you will fail, and you won’t get her.
53. Baseball players are hot. The sport makes you skinny and your arm muscles… well, it’s hot. We’ll go to all your games even if we hate baseball.
54. When you compliment us, we aren't sure how to accept the compliment without leading you on or reject the compliment without hurting you. So just bear with us here.
55. WE HATE BEING LED ON! If you think it's bad being led on by a girl, try being led on by a guy.
56. We like it when guys are willing to have an actual relationship, not just a one-night stand. Most girls don't like pimps or players, just guys who like ONE girl only.
57. But don't be obssessive. Major turn-off.
58. Call sometimes, just to say hi, not for a certain reason. When we see your number on caller ID, our heart always skips a beat. Try calling just to say good night, or good morning, its soo adorable!
60. Don't ONLY tell us what we want to hear. We HATE that.
61. At sleepovers, if you wonder what we talk about, quit worrying. It really is only you.
62. If you catch us staring, it is most likely because we're spacing out, not because we really stare at you. Unless we smile when you notice. Then you either look really hot, or we like you.
63. We like it when you hold us when we're crying. It's good to feel loved and safe.
64. Don't go to our friends to talk about us. Come straight to us.
65. Don't tell us you love us unless you are positive you mean it. If we don't say it back, it's just that we really want to mean it when we say it. Don't say it right away, then it shows lack of commitment.
66. We like our hands to be held and our waists to be touched.
67. We like you to kiss our hand and cheeks and forehead (esp. forehead!!), not just shove your tongue down our throats. We do like to breathe.
68. We like it when you're tender, but don't lose your masculinity.
69. Do chivalrous things when we least expect it (ex. holding doors for us).
70. As surprising as it may be, while guys might actually look at personality, the first thing girls look at tends to be looks. We're not going to see you and think, 'I wonder what his personality is like!' Terrible, but true.
71. If we love you, and youre hurt on the basketball court, rolling on the floor in pain; we’re hurting more just watching you.
72. We LOVE it when you get nervous around us. It's adorable! Don't think you have to be Mr. Cool Guy all the time.
73. Don't play hard to get. We’ll get bored and move on.
74. If you don't call us, then we will spend hours thinking about why you never called, and we will waste a lot of time thinking about it, eventually coming to the conclusion that we don't like you anymore.
75. We lost interest quickly if you lead us on but never take action.
76. We might seem to flirt a lot, but a girl always thinks about the one guy she really likes right before she falls asleep.
77. When a girl likes a guy, she subconsciously gives him a song that makes her think of him every time she hears it.
78. If guys do the same as girls do in #77, tell her what song reminds you of her.
79. Randomly compliment girls in conversations. If you're talking about sports, be like "Oh, by the way, that shirt really made your eyes look green today." It totally throws us off, and we love it.
80. Ask us about how we're doing once in a while, and at least pretend to be interested.
81. If we're not talking to you, we secretly want you to talk to us first.
82. Play with our hair without being like a gay hairstylist.
83. We get really happy when you show any sign of interest. Don't just do it and then never do it again. Bad bad bad…
84. Keep up the conversation on IM and phones and in person! Don't be awkward. That’s bad.
85. We will always feel bad if we don't like you back. Not all girls are b!tches, no matter what you may think. We hate to reject you.
86. ok, so some girls are b!tches and they like rejecting boys, but the people who wrote this group are not. better?
87. If we say "Let's just be friends", we really mean it. Don't keep trying to pursue us, and don't say ok and then ignore us. That's just mean and horrible.
88. It's adorable when a best guy friend who a girl has thought about liking confesses he likes her.
89. If you’re single, find the one girl who’s always there on the sidelines at your football game, or at each of your concerts, all your baseball games. She loves you. Her excuse may be that she’s there for her brother, but she’s really there for you.
90. After you find that girl, smile at her once in a while, it’ll mean the world to her.
91. Get to know her, you’ll make her year first of all, and maybe, just maybe, you’ll end up liking her.
92. Not all blondes are b!tches. Some are cool.
93. Not all blondes are sluts. Some have morals.
94. In your mind, give every girl a chance. Each one deserves at least one.
95. Girls fantasize too, its just not always about sex.
96. We girls give you guys code names so that you don’t know that we’re talking about you. :]
97. If you’re jealous, it may suck for you, but we think it’s attractive if you really care that much.
98. If a girl blushes when you talk to her, she either likes you or she's embarrassed by what you're saying.
99. Girls don’t really write your name on a piece of paper a million times if they like you, that’s a myth.sometimes
100. If a girl really likes you, just seeing you will make her day.
101. Even if you aren’t all that cute, and we like you, we think you’re hot. Don’t take advantage of that, take pride in that.
102. Every time you smile at us, it may mean only a little to you, but it means the world to us. Don't take the little things for granted.
2. Be aware of all your girlfriends’ guy friends, brothers, fathers, or anything. They are protective. Every single male friend we have will kick your ass if you end up hurting her.
3. Never ever miss an opportunity to tell her that she’s beautiful. We girls love that.
4. If she slapped you hard, you probably deserved it.
5. Do not be afraid of holding her. If she’s going out with you in the first place, it’s obvious that she likes you and wants to be in your arms.
6. Every girl should eventually get three things from her boyfriend -- a stuffed animal, one of his sweatshirts or hoodie’s, and a really pretty piece of jewelry.
7. Make sure she gets home safely as often as you can. If you're dropping her off, walk her to the door. If you aren't dropping her off, call to be sure she's home safely. We think that’s really cute and sweet.
8. If a guy is bothering your girlfriend, it is your right to beat the shit out of him.
9. If you're talking to a female friend of yours, pull your girlfriend closer. It’ll make her feel secure that you love her more than the other girl.
10. Never ever slap her, even if it's just in a joking way. Even if she swats you first, and says, "Oh, you're so dumb" or something, never make any gestures back.
11. Go along with her to a chick flick once in a while. She doesn't care whether you enjoy it or not, it just matters that you went with her.
12. If you're officially dating, and you're introducing her to your friends, you'd better damn well introduce her as your girlfriend. Or else.
13. Girls are fragile. Even if you're play fighting/wrestling, be very gentle. Let her win once in a while.
14. Memorize your girlfriend’s birthday. You forget her birthday and you're basically screwed for life. Not gonna lie.
15. Don't drench yourself in the cologne, but smell good.
16. You don’t have to spend a million dollars on the Birthday/Christmas/Valentine gift. It doesn't have to be expensive, or cost anything but it has to be meaningful.
17. Don’t ever lie to us; we always find out.
18. Don’t say you understand when you don’t. That’s bad.
19. Remember: Girls are pretty, but yours is the Prettiest!
20. Saying something sweet might get you off the hook; but doing something sweet will always get you off the hook.
21. Size does matter, but only to hoes; not girls that want relationships.
22. No matter what you say, your ex-girlfriend is a hoe. Don’t bother trying to convince us otherwise, that is a bad idea
23. It’s good to be sensitive, to a point.
24. If you did something wrong, apologize. Even if you didn’t, do it anyway.
25. You did something bad.
26. We are self-conscious by nature; we can’t help it. Let it be.
27. We don’t shave our legs every day so just get over it.
28. Shave your face, no matter how cool you think your goatee or beard or mustache looks, we probably hate it. We like you clean shaven.
29. Show off a little, we think it’s cute.
30. You are our boyfriend, our man, our protector, whether you know it or not, you are; act like it.
31. You are cute in raglan-sleeved T-shirts (two-toned baseball undershirts).
32. We love it when you hug us from behind and whisper in our ear.
33. "Fine" is NEVER an appropriate response when I ask you how I look.
34. Most of the time when I fantasize, it's about you. Don’t obsess over that.
35. I expect you to call me. If you don’t, you go down
36. I'm more forgiving of you than I really should be. Don’t you dare take advantage of that.
37. When I compare my flabby tummy to a kangaroo pouch, say nothing.
38. You look hot in hooded clothing items. Always.
39. You should never tell a girl what to do. Ever.
40. Any decent man will ask a girl out to her face. I mean; if you aren’t man enough to ask us out to our face, who says youre gonna be man enough to our boyfriend at all.
41. Girls are very impressed when you ask them for advice. Unless its about another girl.
42. I'm unimpressed with a man who doesn't take the lead.
43. When in doubt, go with the shirt that matches your eye color.
44. You're sexy when you're shaving, fixing things, wearing a white T-shirt and jeans, driving, eating a peach, holding a baby.
45. Girls need to hear how you feel about them. Often. Tell her now.
46. A girl wants to be the best thing that ever happened to you--and for you to recognize this and tell her.
47. If she’s not feeling loved, she will start looking
48. We like it when you tell us what you're thinking, even if you don't know yourself. It’s cute.
49. It's cheating as soon as you're doing something with her that you wouldn't want me to see, hear, read...
50. For the record:
51. We can fall in love with you without really knowing you, if you are an @ss, we will find out, and we will get over it. Fast. Don't ruin it.
52. You like her, make a move. Don’t just sit there, you will fail, and you won’t get her.
53. Baseball players are hot. The sport makes you skinny and your arm muscles… well, it’s hot. We’ll go to all your games even if we hate baseball.
54. When you compliment us, we aren't sure how to accept the compliment without leading you on or reject the compliment without hurting you. So just bear with us here.
55. WE HATE BEING LED ON! If you think it's bad being led on by a girl, try being led on by a guy.
56. We like it when guys are willing to have an actual relationship, not just a one-night stand. Most girls don't like pimps or players, just guys who like ONE girl only.
57. But don't be obssessive. Major turn-off.
58. Call sometimes, just to say hi, not for a certain reason. When we see your number on caller ID, our heart always skips a beat. Try calling just to say good night, or good morning, its soo adorable!
60. Don't ONLY tell us what we want to hear. We HATE that.
61. At sleepovers, if you wonder what we talk about, quit worrying. It really is only you.
62. If you catch us staring, it is most likely because we're spacing out, not because we really stare at you. Unless we smile when you notice. Then you either look really hot, or we like you.
63. We like it when you hold us when we're crying. It's good to feel loved and safe.
64. Don't go to our friends to talk about us. Come straight to us.
65. Don't tell us you love us unless you are positive you mean it. If we don't say it back, it's just that we really want to mean it when we say it. Don't say it right away, then it shows lack of commitment.
66. We like our hands to be held and our waists to be touched.
67. We like you to kiss our hand and cheeks and forehead (esp. forehead!!), not just shove your tongue down our throats. We do like to breathe.
68. We like it when you're tender, but don't lose your masculinity.
69. Do chivalrous things when we least expect it (ex. holding doors for us).
70. As surprising as it may be, while guys might actually look at personality, the first thing girls look at tends to be looks. We're not going to see you and think, 'I wonder what his personality is like!' Terrible, but true.
71. If we love you, and youre hurt on the basketball court, rolling on the floor in pain; we’re hurting more just watching you.
72. We LOVE it when you get nervous around us. It's adorable! Don't think you have to be Mr. Cool Guy all the time.
73. Don't play hard to get. We’ll get bored and move on.
74. If you don't call us, then we will spend hours thinking about why you never called, and we will waste a lot of time thinking about it, eventually coming to the conclusion that we don't like you anymore.
75. We lost interest quickly if you lead us on but never take action.
76. We might seem to flirt a lot, but a girl always thinks about the one guy she really likes right before she falls asleep.
77. When a girl likes a guy, she subconsciously gives him a song that makes her think of him every time she hears it.
78. If guys do the same as girls do in #77, tell her what song reminds you of her.
79. Randomly compliment girls in conversations. If you're talking about sports, be like "Oh, by the way, that shirt really made your eyes look green today." It totally throws us off, and we love it.
80. Ask us about how we're doing once in a while, and at least pretend to be interested.
81. If we're not talking to you, we secretly want you to talk to us first.
82. Play with our hair without being like a gay hairstylist.
83. We get really happy when you show any sign of interest. Don't just do it and then never do it again. Bad bad bad…
84. Keep up the conversation on IM and phones and in person! Don't be awkward. That’s bad.
85. We will always feel bad if we don't like you back. Not all girls are b!tches, no matter what you may think. We hate to reject you.
86. ok, so some girls are b!tches and they like rejecting boys, but the people who wrote this group are not. better?
87. If we say "Let's just be friends", we really mean it. Don't keep trying to pursue us, and don't say ok and then ignore us. That's just mean and horrible.
88. It's adorable when a best guy friend who a girl has thought about liking confesses he likes her.
89. If you’re single, find the one girl who’s always there on the sidelines at your football game, or at each of your concerts, all your baseball games. She loves you. Her excuse may be that she’s there for her brother, but she’s really there for you.
90. After you find that girl, smile at her once in a while, it’ll mean the world to her.
91. Get to know her, you’ll make her year first of all, and maybe, just maybe, you’ll end up liking her.
92. Not all blondes are b!tches. Some are cool.
93. Not all blondes are sluts. Some have morals.
94. In your mind, give every girl a chance. Each one deserves at least one.
95. Girls fantasize too, its just not always about sex.
96. We girls give you guys code names so that you don’t know that we’re talking about you. :]
97. If you’re jealous, it may suck for you, but we think it’s attractive if you really care that much.
98. If a girl blushes when you talk to her, she either likes you or she's embarrassed by what you're saying.
99. Girls don’t really write your name on a piece of paper a million times if they like you, that’s a myth.sometimes
100. If a girl really likes you, just seeing you will make her day.
101. Even if you aren’t all that cute, and we like you, we think you’re hot. Don’t take advantage of that, take pride in that.
102. Every time you smile at us, it may mean only a little to you, but it means the world to us. Don't take the little things for granted.
excited L O V E B I R D S !!
Heyy mr.bloggy ,lu apa macam?sini saya manyak manyak awesomeeeee !!
chun r8 ,if ur life is awesomeeeeee w/o any problems and everyday u wake up just to face another happening day ?.and yeah dat's what i am going thru everyday.hope this awesomazing life will be there with me always with god's blessing.and thanks to the peepz who always being around me no matter what.luvie ya'll.
Well bloggy,did you realised that 2010 running extremelie fasttttt ??
it's already SEPTEMBER.
OMG i really can't wait for 2012 ,i guess everyone.am just curious to know weder d world really gonna end in 2012 or wad.
In my opinion the world shouldnt or may be it should end cuz there are many many evil people around here i mean they are hiding among good peepz.Well let me tell u more about this in my next post. :)
Bloggy bro have u seen some excited case love birds??i really get bengang whenever i view their wall-to-wall post in FACEBOOK.C'mon lar peepz ,u are still in an unofficial relationship.And think twice before you post anything on your gf/bf's wall.No one knows what will happend the next minute or may be the next second in ur life.
You post ''she/he is the breath of my life'',lemme ask you one thing ,what will happened to ur life if he/she left you for another guy/girl ?Will you stop breathing?U mean u'll die for him/her??
jeng jeng jeng *think again*.They left you for someone else and all u gonna do is wait for them else die for them??Wakeeee up. !!
Get back to the topic : What u gonna do when u broke up with the current gf/bf whom u wall'ing and pouring all ur feelings to them publically?and and you guys are not married,so stop showing your affection publically by calling ''hubby or wifeys!!'',how many different guys/gal are gonna be your hubby's and wifey's?
You guys really make ppl annoyed,you also should think about others too,some might be recently got heartbroken,some of them might be staying far from their special someone ,some might be quite for some reasons.Don't be selfish !!,think of what/how others will feel/think.U might
think i sound like and 60 years old granny but think about what i-told-you.And you might get some sub-idea or may be reasons to NOT TO SHOW YOUR AFFECTION PUBLICALLY.
Last but not least ; keep your love life low,don't get excited untill things get official and till YOU get your parents approval.
So till then eppi loving and shower your loved ones with unlimited loveeeee !!
chun r8 ,if ur life is awesomeeeeee w/o any problems and everyday u wake up just to face another happening day ?.and yeah dat's what i am going thru everyday.hope this awesomazing life will be there with me always with god's blessing.and thanks to the peepz who always being around me no matter what.luvie ya'll.
Well bloggy,did you realised that 2010 running extremelie fasttttt ??
it's already SEPTEMBER.
OMG i really can't wait for 2012 ,i guess everyone.am just curious to know weder d world really gonna end in 2012 or wad.
In my opinion the world shouldnt or may be it should end cuz there are many many evil people around here i mean they are hiding among good peepz.Well let me tell u more about this in my next post. :)
Bloggy bro have u seen some excited case love birds??i really get bengang whenever i view their wall-to-wall post in FACEBOOK.C'mon lar peepz ,u are still in an unofficial relationship.And think twice before you post anything on your gf/bf's wall.No one knows what will happend the next minute or may be the next second in ur life.
You post ''she/he is the breath of my life'',lemme ask you one thing ,what will happened to ur life if he/she left you for another guy/girl ?Will you stop breathing?U mean u'll die for him/her??
jeng jeng jeng *think again*.They left you for someone else and all u gonna do is wait for them else die for them??Wakeeee up. !!
Get back to the topic : What u gonna do when u broke up with the current gf/bf whom u wall'ing and pouring all ur feelings to them publically?and and you guys are not married,so stop showing your affection publically by calling ''hubby or wifeys!!'',how many different guys/gal are gonna be your hubby's and wifey's?
You guys really make ppl annoyed,you also should think about others too,some might be recently got heartbroken,some of them might be staying far from their special someone ,some might be quite for some reasons.Don't be selfish !!,think of what/how others will feel/think.U might
think i sound like and 60 years old granny but think about what i-told-you.And you might get some sub-idea or may be reasons to NOT TO SHOW YOUR AFFECTION PUBLICALLY.
Last but not least ; keep your love life low,don't get excited untill things get official and till YOU get your parents approval.
So till then eppi loving and shower your loved ones with unlimited loveeeee !!
havi's b'day !! yeay yeay !!
heyy heyy heyy bloggy apa khabar ??
well today it's raya [[selamat hari raya to my muslim friends]]
well nothing much to update here ,feel like going for long holidays
got lotsa thing to talk and update to you but malasssss !!
later lar when i am in really good mood to update till then hapie holidays !!
p/s : currentlie addicted to iragai pole song from nan mahaan alla !!
well today it's raya [[selamat hari raya to my muslim friends]]
well nothing much to update here ,feel like going for long holidays
got lotsa thing to talk and update to you but malasssss !!
later lar when i am in really good mood to update till then hapie holidays !!
p/s : currentlie addicted to iragai pole song from nan mahaan alla !!
a w e s o m a z i n g
heyy bloggy sayanggggg !! ,*teeedah* ,guess wad?? i have put on weight !! [[based on ppls compliment]] ,yeah i will take it as a compliment ,cuz i have been trying to put on weight for years !!,but nuw my long tym dream came trueeeee !! .But still waiting for one person's comment..Need his comment too. *waiting waiting*.
last whole month i have been eating ,sleeping ,eating ,sleeping and the routines goes round and round and round..dat will be the main reason of me putting on weight i guess..dats nice r8??
and right now i have been addicted to paal appam ,u shud try..aaaaaaaaahh *drooling*..
dats what i had for my y'days breakfast..weeeeeeeeee !! (thanks for introducing to the world of wee'ing sarini)..and i feel soooo very the sleepy whenever i eat paal appam may be because of the coconut milk kot..but still I LOVE PAAAAAL APPAAAAAAAM, (gone insane wit paal appam)
and then i skipped lunch cuz i had heavy breakfast !!,so yeah i forced myself to skip lunch..was on9'ing but than felt very very sleepy ,had short nap for an hour..woke up and had sauna bath session wid ashieee !! ,played wid my doggy (will blog about them soon) who is growing older.
and went outing at night wid family !! yeay me .went klang to buy some stuffs and bought saree for myself. =DD..it cost nearly 50 bucks..so cheaaaap yeah??cuz i bought cotton saree,cotton saree's are easy to tie..bought apple green color !!.LOVE THE COLOR ALOT.
then went to a newly opened restaurant !!.was excited but not anymore when i started to taste the food. :(.(lets not talk abt it).
then slept aroung 11pm smthng and woke up around 10 in the morning (nearly 11 hours mayn !!) and today it was soooooo freaking bored ,got nothing to do..as usual played piano ,went 7eleven ,tv'ed most of the tym. and nuw blogging.
had good rest'ing day today. :DD.need to wake up early 2mrw.informed my alarm to wake me up..hope so he will wake me up punctually.
till then see ya bloggy.
last whole month i have been eating ,sleeping ,eating ,sleeping and the routines goes round and round and round..dat will be the main reason of me putting on weight i guess..dats nice r8??
and right now i have been addicted to paal appam ,u shud try..aaaaaaaaahh *drooling*..
dats what i had for my y'days breakfast..weeeeeeeeee !! (thanks for introducing to the world of wee'ing sarini)..and i feel soooo very the sleepy whenever i eat paal appam may be because of the coconut milk kot..but still I LOVE PAAAAAL APPAAAAAAAM, (gone insane wit paal appam)
and then i skipped lunch cuz i had heavy breakfast !!,so yeah i forced myself to skip lunch..was on9'ing but than felt very very sleepy ,had short nap for an hour..woke up and had sauna bath session wid ashieee !! ,played wid my doggy (will blog about them soon) who is growing older.
and went outing at night wid family !! yeay me .went klang to buy some stuffs and bought saree for myself. =DD..it cost nearly 50 bucks..so cheaaaap yeah??cuz i bought cotton saree,cotton saree's are easy to tie..bought apple green color !!.LOVE THE COLOR ALOT.
then went to a newly opened restaurant !!.was excited but not anymore when i started to taste the food. :(.(lets not talk abt it).
then slept aroung 11pm smthng and woke up around 10 in the morning (
had good rest'ing day today. :DD.need to wake up early 2mrw.informed my alarm to wake me up..hope so he will wake me up punctually.
till then see ya bloggy.
it'syourday[dilaaa] !!
hapie sweet sixteen !!

here to wish my lubliest,cutest,preetiest,adorabelest
and all the est est..
a very very hapie sweet sixteen,
you're becoming matured
and OLDER too
wish to be with you at this moment but nevermind lah !!
in the future kays??
and here goes my wish : have a blast on this day of yours
: may god bless you wid gud health ,
wealth and with unlimited LOVE
: no matter wad happend me and
our case'ified family will always be there for u
: keep rockinggggggggg !!
p/s : iloveyousomuchie.

here to wish my lubliest,cutest,preetiest,adorabelest
and all the est est..
a very very hapie sweet sixteen,
you're becoming matured
and OLDER too
wish to be with you at this moment but nevermind lah !!
in the future kays??
and here goes my wish : have a blast on this day of yours
: may god bless you wid gud health ,
wealth and with unlimited LOVE
: no matter wad happend me and
our case'ified family will always be there for u
: keep rockinggggggggg !!
p/s : iloveyousomuchie.
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